Showcase: Azure AI Hybrid Search unexpected results gotcha

April 30, 2024 • Written by Jakob Serlier

Tags: Azure AI Search, Embeddings, Search, tech

Showcase: Azure AI Hybrid Search unexpected results gotcha

This document describes a gotcha in Azure AI Search hybrid queries where unexpected results are returned.

The context is of these findings are an ISE engagement with a customer indexing millions of documents in Azure AI Search. During this, I set out to answer questions on filtering and matching syntax as well as pre/post-filter performance for hybrid search. Views and opinions are my own.

Key takeaway

Traditional full-text search return matches if and only if there is a match. Vector search always returns k number of matches, which can be nonsensical (see here). Given the way hybrid search reranks the sum of results from full-text and vector search, hybrid search can return results which would not be expected given (regex) matching constraints in the search_text argument.

If you are simply filtering on a field, use filter (filter syntax refs). This is a 'hard' filter, meaning that results which do not match are not included in the end-results for (hybrid) search.

Brief reiteration on search methods

Azure AI Search offers these three search methods:

  1. Keyword search: fulltext and semantic
    1. Fulltext: queryType sets the parser: simple, or full. The default simple query parser is optimal for full text search. Full enables Lucene query parser: for advanced query constructs like regular expressions, proximity search, fuzzy and wildcard search. Full-text query how-to - Azure AI Search | Microsoft Learn
    2. Semantic: Semantic ranker is a collection of query-related capabilities that improve the quality of an initial BM25-ranked or RRF-ranked search result for text-based queries. When you enable it on your search service, semantic ranking extends the query execution pipeline in two ways:
      1. Secondary ranking score & captions and answers in the response. Semantic ranking - Azure AI Search | Microsoft Learn
  2. Vector search: docs - uses embeddings and distance in latent space to retrieve semantically relevant documents.
  3. Hybrid search: combines both results, and reranks, e.g. using RRF (docs)

Technique - filtering and matching documents in Azure AI Search

For matching and filtering documents, these two approaches were most useful for our use-cases:

  1. Using OData language and filter argument: OData language overview - Azure AI Search | Microsoft Learn
  2. Using the search_text argument and query_type="full" so we are able to use the Lucene queryparser syntax: we can match results e.g., using regular expressions Lucene query syntax - Azure AI Search | Microsoft Learn.

Gotcha example - Where things turn sour

Imagine the following query. We are interesed in filtering on a specific id (the full set only contains one document with this ID), but we also match the id to contain 1234 using a regex lucene query. Obviously, this matches and we get a result:

limit = 10
select = 'id,content'
search_text = "id:/.*1234.*/"
search_client = sc
result = await
        query_type="full",  # Set query type to full to enable lucene/regex queries
        filter = "id eq 'A001-AB-1234_chunk_0'"
async for doc in result:

# >
# {'id': 'A001-AB-1234_chunk_0', 'content':....

Now, we change the regex query to (not) match 4321 in the id, and we obviously get no result:

limit = 10
select = 'id,content'
search_text = "id:/.*4321.*/"
search_client = sc
result = await
        query_type="full",  # Set query type to full to enable lucene/regex queries
        filter = "id eq 'A001-AB-1234_chunk_0'"
async for doc in result:

# >

What happens if we add hybrid search to the mix, but still include the unmatching 4321 in the id?

# Hybrid search with regex-like query, yielding unexpected (1234) result (hybrid).
# (using helper function to set up the embedding, ...)
async for doc in await vector_search_with_lucene(
    query_to_embed="failing gear unit", # some query which closely resembles the text in the content
    search_text = "id:/.*4321.*/",
    query_type= "full",
    filter = "id eq 'A001-AB-1234_chunk_0'"

# >
# {'id': 'A001-AB-1234_chunk_0', 'content':....

Notice how in this case, we do get the result back, but the id doesn't match the regex query.


Azure AI Hybrid search reranks documents after both the vector search and fulltext search are finished. The search_text argument allows for strict (regex) matching, but this matching only applies to the fulltext search. Since we pre-filter on a specific document, vector search will always yield this result (note: this holds even if the neighbor of the embedded query isn't too similar, since we always try to return 10 results - which then must include our single document). After both the vector and text search are executed, the hybrid results include results which would not be expected from just full-text search.