What does a statement like “AI will take my job” look like in practice?

November 21, 2023 • Written by Jakob Serlier

Tags: LLM, short, gpt-4

What does a statement like “AI will take my job” look like in practice?

On two different occasions and coincidentally, I have been approached with the question of the impact of AI on the legal world. Apart from one course on law during my BSc, I am by no means an expert on the subject, but I attempted to answer the question anyway.

The approach: using the new GPTs and uploading the Burgerlijk Wetboek (civil code) in plain-text, see below the result of asking a question ‘coming from a client’ - and the actual law it referenced. Creating this example took minimal effort and no real developer experience.

law llm example

My non-developer acquaintances were quite surprised by the results, so I thought it would be apt to share. While I don’t think examples like this indicate that AI will take all jobs, and without diving into the socio-economic impact or moral implications, I believe we are closing in on an adapt-or-die situation for all those potentially impacted in various industries. That said, I am still waiting for GPT to fix my sink.

My views are my own.